Major Requirements

The Digital Media & Film major requires a total of 12 courses in the categories listed below. Full descriptions and lists of required courses and electives can be found below.

Major Requirements (total of 12 courses)

One from each of the following categories:   Underlined are offered Fall 2024

A - Film & Media Action     

           DMF 101 - Film & Media Action     (Required of all majors)

B - Core Film Studies - One of the following:
            DMF 211 - Intro to Digital Media & Film
            DMF 251 - History of Cinema
            DMF 271 - World Cinema

C - DMF in Relation to Contemporary Society - Course to contextualize study of digital media and film in relation to contemporary society, global power structures, and representations of identity.  One of the following:

            DMF 169/SOC 169 – Intro to Sociology: Media & Society
            DMF 239/PCA 239 – Media Industries
            GNDR 103 – Gender & Society
            GS 101 – Intro to Global Studies I: Political Economy
            GS 102 – Intro to Global Studies II: Race, Culture, Identity

Students must complete 2 production courses from a selection of over twenty-five existing electives. A representative list of regularly offered production courses covering filmmaking, photography, media art, graphic design, journalism, screenwriting, podcasting, acting, directing, set design, music composition, and recording arts can be found here.

Fall 2024 - Production Courses
*DMF 3115 - Graphic Design w/ CBL (* also satisfies Experiential Learning Requirement for DMF major)
DMF 222 - Documentary Filmmaking
DMF/ENG/PCA 244 - CW: Screenwriting
DMF 4003 - Advanced Filmmaking
AAH/DMF 259 - Photography I
PCA/DMF 103 - Stagecraft
PCA/DMF 107 - Beginning Acting
ENG/PCA/DMF 201 - CW: Journalism
MUS/DMF 219 - Laptop Music
MUS/DMF 220 - Music and Technology
MUS/PCA/DMF 227 - Recording Arts

Full List of Production Courses
DMF 222 - Documentary Filmmaking
DMF/ENG/PCA 244 - CW: Screenwriting
DMF/ENG/PCA 306 - CW: Advanced Screenwriting
DMF 3700 – SopSem: Digital Storytelling
DMF 4001 - Filmmaking Workshop
DMF 4003 - Advanced Filmmaking
AAH/DMF 259 - Photography I
AAH/DMF 260 - Photography II
AAH/DMF 262 - Video Art
AAH/DMF 269 - Digital Media and Culture I
AAH/DMF 3095 - Pinhole Photography
AAH/DMF 3097 - Digital Drawing
AAH/DMF 360 - Photography III
AAH/DMF 369 - Digital Media and Culture II
AAH 4012/PCA 4136 - Photojournalism
ENG/PCA/DMF 201 - Introduction to Journalism
ENG/PCA/DMF 309 - Feature Writing/Advanced Journalism
GS/DMF 340 - Blogging the Globe
MUS/DMF 219 – Laptop Music
MUS/DMF 220 - Music and Technology
MUS/PCA 222 - Sound for the Stage
MUS/PCA/DMF 227 - Recording Arts
MUS/DMF 281 - Music Video
MUS/DMF 3002 - Podcasting
MUS/DMF 3028 - Film/Sound
PCA/DMF 103 - Stagecraft
PCA/DMF 107 - Beginning Acting
PCA 3069 - Costume Construction
PCA 307 - Characterization
PCA/DMF 332 - Directing
PCA 345 - Prop Design & Construction
PCA 346 - Scenic Design
PCA 362 - Stage & Production Management

Students must complete 5 courses in the analysis, theory, and critique of film and media in diverse cultural, historical, and political contexts. At least 2 must be taken at the 300/400 level.  (Note on special topics courses: 3xxx = 200 level; 4xxx = 300 level) 

Fall 2024 - Film, Media, & Society Courses
(Lower Level)
DMF/SOC 169 - Media & Society
DMF 222 - Documentary Filmmaking
DMF/PCA 239 - Media Industries
DMF/EUR/GER 282 - New German Cinema
DMF/SOC 3132 - SophSem: Tech & Social Change
AAH/DMF 259 – Photography I
ASIA/CHIN/DMF 232 - Chinese Culture Through Fiction & Film
ENG/DMF 3076 - LS: The Cyborg in Literature & Film
ENG/ENVS/DMF 3091 - LS: Environmental Film
FR/DMF 3086 - Amour/Love
ITAL/DMF 3098 - Italian Cinema
REL 3045/DMF 3245 - Holy Horrors
(*Upper Level)
*DMF 4002/ENVS 4052 - Environmental Media
*AAH/DMF 355 - Art Today
*ENG/DMF 357 - LS: Postcolonial Literature & Film
*PCA/DMF 4069 - AI Communication

Full List of Film, Media, & Society Courses

DMF/SOC 169 - Media & Society
DMF 222 - Documentary Filmmaking
DMF/PCA 239 - Media Industries
DMF 251 - History of Cinema
DMF 271 - World Cinema
DMF/EUR/GER 282 - New German Cinema
DMF/GER 283 - Berlin Hollywood
DMF/SOC 3127 - Social Movements Internet Age
DMF 3700/PCS 3075 - SophSem: Digital Storytelling
DMF/GS 302 - Theories Global Cultural Studies
DMF/SOC 307 - Technology & Social Change
DMF/PCA 310 - Culture & Media
DMF 311 - Film Theory
DMF/GER 4001 - Science & Cinema
DMF 4002/ENVS 4052 - Environmental Media
AAH/DMF 259 – Photography I
AAH/DMF 260 – Photography II
AAH/DMF 262 – Video Art
AAH/DMF 269 – Digital Culture & Media I
AAH/DMF 355 - Art Today
AAH/DMF 360 - Photography III
AAH/DMF 369 – Digital Media & Culture II
ARAB/DMF 203 - Arabic Society through Graphic Novels & Films
ARAB/DMF 3015 - Mediterranean Culture Through Cinema
ASIA/CHIN/DMF 232 - Chinese Culture Through Fiction & Film
ASIA/CHIN/DMF 234 - Chinese Literature & Film
EDUC/GNDER/DMF 325 - Sexuality Education
ENG/DMF 3076 - LS: The Cyborg in Literature & Film
ENG/ENVS/DMF 3091 - LS: Environmental Film
ENG/DMF 356 - LS: Post-Apocalyptic Literature & Film
ENG/DMF 357 - LS: Postcolonial Literature & Film
ENG 4035/DMF 4028 - Literature & Film at the Borderlands
EUR 3016/DMF 3092 - European Cinema
FR/DMF 3056 - Paris on Film
FR/DMF 3086 - Amour/Love
GNDR 290/DMF 3003 - Gender & Feminist Theory
GNDR/DMF 301 - Studies in Masculinities
GNDR/GS 318 - Gender in the Middle East
GNDR/DMF 322 - Gender, Film, & the Unconscious
GOVT/DMF 371 - Politics of Game of Thrones
GS 255 - Popular Culture
GS/DMF 340 - Blogging the Globe
ITAL/DMF 3098 - Italian Cinema
MUS/DMF 281 - Music Video
MUS/DMF 3028 - Film/Sound
PCA/DMF 365 - Rhetoric of Algorithms
PCA 4029/DMF/GNDR 4015 - Queer Theater & Film
PCA/DMF 4069 - AI Communication
REL 218 - Fantasy Religion: Anime in the Japanese Spiritual Imaginary
REL 3045/DMF 3245 - Holy Horrors
SPAN/CLAS/DMF 221 - Latin America in Film (in Spanish)

The current course options listed below reflect different areas of focus that students in the major might pursue and are intended as a temporary bridge until we can develop a new official “Media Ethics” course.  For now, one of the following:

Fall 2024
DMF 4002 - Environmental Media

Full List of Media Ethics Courses
DMF 302/GS 302 - Theories of Global Cultural Studies
DMF 307 - Technology & Social Change
DMF 311 - Film Theory
DMF 369/GNDR 369 - Making Sexualities
ENG 3065/EUR 3015/GNDR 3084/LANG 3021 - Cross-Cultural Conversation & Media
PCA 365 - Rhetoric of Algorithms
DMF 4002 - Environmental Media

In their Final year, DMF majors are required to complete the "Make/Collaborate" senior seminar, which is focused on collaborative media-making projects & producing a digital portfolio.

DMF 4029 - Make/Collaborate: Media Capstone (1 Credit) - Offered FALL 2024

Make/Collaborate: Media Capston Project. Students in this required capstone seminar for the Digital Media & Film major will synthesize their skills, knowledge, and passions to contribute to the creation of a multi-faceted digital media project. Participants will hone skills in digital media production, project management, web design/publishing, and more while engaging in critical reflection of the various technologies involved and the responsibilities we have as digital content creators. All students will create a polished WordPress portfolio that both documents their ongoing work for the collaborative project and showcases their individual digital-media-and-film-related work. Open to Senior DMF majors only.

This requirement ensures that our students not only learn to watch, analyze, and produce works of digital media and film, but also understand them as socially embedded and circulating texts and forms with very real consequences. It also allows for “real world” and practical applications of the skills, theories, and knowledge developed throughout the program. In this way, the experiential component cultivates valuable experiences, relationships, and skills that will serve our students in their post-college careers and range of professional settings, while at the same time ensuring they see themselves as social actors and agents of change in the world.

Majors in Digital Media & Film must complete one experiential component from among the following options:
•    On-campus internship: Weave News, NCPR, The Hill News, Student Integrated Marketing Team (managed by University Communications), Brush Art Gallery, Music events, Esports, and University Athletics.
•    Approved off-campus internship related to digital media and/or film
•    Community Based Learning Courses focused on media.
•    Study abroad with film or media component: NYC Program; Prague Film and Television School at the Academy of the Performing Arts (FAMU), or other approved study abroad programs
•    On-campus research fellowship in media and/or film, including the Digital Scholarship Fellowship