Mallam, Reiff, and Class of 1934 Awards

The William D. Mallam Award for Senior History Majors

The Mallam Award is presented during Moving Up Day to the outstanding senior history major. The recipient of this award will have maintained a record of excellence in history over the four-year period and will have earned the high regard and esteem of the faculty members of the department. 

2024 Winner: Adam A. Heilbronner

Past recipients have included: Colleen F. McKernan (2023), Keith Felix (2022), Niamh Creedon-Carey, Emma Gross, Logan Hagerty, Asha Johnson, Lillian Sullivan andTristan Turner (2021), Dana Congelosi and Alexandra Whalen (2020), Amanda DuPuis (2019), Daniel Banta and Katie Wilson (2018), Joseph Duggan (2017), Erin O'Loughlin (2016), and Trevor Bibb, Jacqueline "Ashley" Grey, Kayla Hebert (2015) 

The Harry Reiff Award for Junior History Majors

The Reiff award is presented each year during Moving Up Day to the outstanding junior major in the History Department. The award is emblematic of the achievements of the student within the major, as well as an indication of the high esteem that the student has earned from the History faculty.

2024 Winner: Ethan S. Hu

Past recipients have included: Lizi J. Barsness (2023), Colleen McKernan (2022), Erin Fitzgerald and Tina Luchetta (2021),Niamh Creedon-Carey and Michael Gagliardi (2020), Dana Congelosi (2019), Gretchen Brooker (2018), Daniel Banta and Corinne Jacobsen (2017), Joseph Duggan and Jacquelyn Ebeling (2016), Rebecca Budrow (2015)

Class of 1934 Award

Each year the Class of ’34 Award is given to a full-time undergraduate student who has completed at least two years at St. Lawrence with not less than a 3.0 average. This monetary award is intended to assist in defraying the cost of tuition. This scholarship is awarded by a Selection Committee composed of the Dean of Academic Affairs, the Chairs of the Departments of English, History, Economics and Chemistry, and the Dean of Student Affairs. The Committee will select the recipient primarily on the basis of academic achievement and attitude toward learning. The Class of ’34 Award is presented during the Moving Up Day ceremonies.

2024 Winner: Madyson McCarthy

Past recipients have included: Benjamin Munn (2023), Jacqueline Boutilier (2022), Keith Felix (2021)Asha Johnson (2020), Alexandra Whalen (2019), Olivia Zachman and Sydney Mitchell (2018), Kathryn Wilson (2017), Emily Sheltry (2016), Erin O'Loughlin (2015)