History Faculty Emeritus

Dr. Liz Regosin
Charles A. Dana Professor of History

Headshot of Professor Liz Regosin, standing against a backdrop of trees. She has curly hair, glasses, and wears a black and white striped shirt with a black blouse.

My family and friends find it ironic that I ended up living in Canton, NY after having spent most of my life in sunny southern California. I grew up in Irvine, CA, where I lived with my parents, my two sisters, and a dog we called Golda Meir Regosin.
I am a product of the University of California. I earned my B.A. at Berkeley, and my M.A. and Ph.D.at Irvine. In both my undergraduate and graduate experiences, interaction with dynamic professors in American history and African American literature sparked my interest in my primary research field, African American history. My area of emphasis has been African Americans in the transition from slavery to freedom. My work on this subject includes two books: Freedom's Promise: Ex-Slave Families and Citizenship in the Age of Emancipation; and Voices of Emancipation: Understanding Slavery, the Civil War, and Reconstruction through the U.S. Pension Bureau Files (with Donald R. Shaffer.)




Dr. Anne Csete

Anne Csete

B.A. SUNY Oswego,
Ph.D. University of Buffalo

I am from the Finger Lakes Region of New York State. I graduated from the State University of New York at Oswego with a B.A. in Non-Western History, and earned my PhD in Chinese history from the University of Buffalo. As a graduate student I spent three years as an exchange student in China, where I traveled widely from Kashgar to Hainan to Manchuria. During my sabbatical in 2003 I spent a semester in Kong Kong teaching and studying. I love the stories in history—I come from a long line of story-tellers, and history is full of great stories. China, with a recorded history of thousands of years, offers a lifetime’s worth of great stories! Here at St. Lawrence I taught survey courses in Early and Modern Asia, Modern Japan, Modern China, and upper-level courses in Japan and the U.S. during World War II, Modern North Korea, and East-West colonial period relations. My latest research project is the history of the Erie Canal. I have always loved libraries, archives, and lecture halls, reading, studying and learning. Also, I appreciate how many opportunities there are at a university to explore. For example, I play in the wind ensemble in our Music Department, I studied Russian for a year in the Modern Languages Department, and I have taken riding lessons at SLU’s stables. When I am not working, I am usually hiking or canoeing in the Adirondacks, or at home in my flower garden.

Email Anne Csete: acsete@stlawu.edu 

Dr. Judith DeGroat

Judith DeGroat

I am by training and inclination an historian of France and my scholarship focuses on the multiple ways that society and individuals construct and contest identity through notions of gender, class, race and ethnicity. I have published articles on women in the Paris trades in the mid- nineteenth century who fought for economic and political rights to work, feed their families and defend their trades. I have also had the chance to develop my interest in and publish on cultural history, including the contemporary debate on national identity in France as it concerns immigration and gender and to begin a new area of research: a cultural biography of Pauline Roland, a socialist feminist who spent the last year of her life (1856) as a political exile in Algeria. Both of those projects have led to an interest in French colonial history; I joined the executive board of the international society in Paris where I participated in a roundtable on race, gender and colonialism (www.frenchcolonial.org). I do my best to stay up-to-date on historical scholarship as an area editor for the on-line review journal H-France (www.h-france.net/reviews).

Email Judith DeGroat: jdegroat@stlawu.edu 

William Hunt

Email William Hunt: whunt@stlawu.edu

David Lloyd

Dr David Lloyd






Email David Lloyd: dlloyd@stlawu.edu