Summer Research Opportunities

For summer research fellowships at St. Lawrence check out the Summer Fellows program or the Tanner Fellowship program.

Some off campus summer undergraduate research positions can be found at the  National Science Foundation summer research REU award page. More information on program.

Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU)

Summer REU Program at the Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry at Florida State University  - This is an exciting area of science, with relevance to such important phenomena as information transmission and storage, sensing technologies, solar energy conversion, photodynamic therapy, photocatalysis, and photosynthesis. Any questions; send an email to reu@chem.fsuThe deadline to receive all application materials is February 15, 2024.  Program runs May 28 - August 2, 2024.

The Department of Energy and American Chemical Society sponsored Nuclear and Radiochemistry Summer School Program.  Selected students receive an all-expense paid opportunity to complete a 6-week summer course (June 17, 2024 – July 27, 2024) in Nuclear and Radiochemistry in either California at San Jose State University or New York at Brookhaven National Laboratory. They also earn hours (tuition paid) of undergraduate chemistry credit through either San Jose State University or SUNY-Stony Brook.  Selected students also receive a stipend of $4,000 for the 6-week program.  The deadline for applications is February 1, 2024. 

Stony Brook University Chemistry REU
Research Clusters: Spectroscopy, Biological Chemistry and Synthesis.
Students will receive a stipend of $6000 over the 10-week program, housing on campus, and money to attend an external conference to present their work. Summer 2023 Dates: May 28-August 2, 2024.  Priority Application Deadline: Feb 1, 2024 and rolling applications until positions filled.

2024 Chemistry REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates) program at the University of Rochester (Rochester, NY).  This 10-week summer program is a great way for young chemists to gain valuable research experience and contribute to cutting-edge science in a research-intensive institution.  Student stipends will be $5500 and includes free campus housing and reimbursement of travel expenses.  A wide range of faculty mentors are participating in the program extending all the way from the discovery and development of new synthetic methods and catalysts, to biocatalysis, nanoparticle synthesis, peptide self-assembly, natural product synthesis, ultrafast spectroscopy, and quantum dynamics simulations, among others.  In addition to research, REU fellows will participate in diverse activities related to training in ethics, project development, professional networking, scientific communication, and outreach.  The application deadline is February 5, 2024.

NNCI Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Program in Nanotechnology 

All NNCI site REU programs have the following common features:

  • 10 week research experience
  • An individual focused nanotechnology project with training and support 
  • A stipend of approximately $5000-$6000 (varies by site)
  • Meal plans are provided at SOME sites
  • Housing on campus
  • Paid travel or travel allowance
  • Open to undergraduates who have not graduated by August 2024

The NNCI does not offer a network-wide REU program, but many of the NNCI sites conduct their own separate programs and the details for these are listed below. You must apply to each program separately.

The following programs may be available for summer 2024. Click on the site for further information.

University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine - For current undergraduates that would be interested in future combined MD/Ph.D. programs in Microbiology. Participants in this program carry out independent research under the direction of an established mentor in a clinical or basic science department. Participants conduct full-time, hands-on research in microbiology, microbial genetics, or molecular biology. At the end of the summer students present their findings in a campus-wide poster session. Program lasts for 10 weeks (May 20 - July 26, 2024). Application deadline is February 15, 2024. Participants receive a $6,500 stipend plus a $1000.00 supplement for food and other living expenses. On-campus housing is provided at no cost to the participants. Travel costs are paid by the program.

Summer REU Program in Marine Science - at the University of Delaware. Interns will work with faculty in a research-intensive setting on a research topic in chemical, physical, or biological oceanography, marine biology or marine geology. In addition to hands-on research experience, student support includes a $6,900 stipend, campus housing, and travel assistance. The summer 2024 program will run 10 weeks from June 3 to August 9, 2024. The deadline to apply is Friday February 9, 2024.

REU Program at Northern Illinois University - The summer internship program runs June 17 - August 9, 2024. All participants receive a stipend of $5,000.00 (plus free housing is provided for all students). Each individual student or faculty/student team is matched with an NIU faculty mentor. Research opportunities range across a broad variety of research areas such as chemical synthesis, nonomaterials, drug discovery, protein engineering and computer modeling. Applications are due by February 15, 2024.

UNT - University of North Texas - This program offers interdisciplinary research experiences at the forefront of the chemical sciences. Although our faculty research groups are grounded in "traditional" areas of chemistry (analytical, inorganic, organic, physical), most of their research projects cross boundaries between these areas. A unique aspect of our REU program is that all projects will involve collaboration between two or more research groups, including both experimental and computational researchers, drawing on UNT's world-class resources in both instrumentation and high-performance computing. The ten-week program will begin May 20 - July 26, 2024. Also, participants will be given a $7,000 stipend, plus housing will be provided.  Funds are available to help defray travel costs to and from the REU site, which is located in the northern outskirts of the Dallas-Ft. Worth area.  Application deadline is March 1, 2024.  

Singh Center for Nanotechnology at the University of Pennsylvania - Summer projects will include the traditional REU-model project, ones in which students work on a research project within a Penn faculty member’s lab, as well as unique project opportunities to work on research originating from the Singh Center research facilities themselves. Student participants will earn a $5500 stipend (before taxes, paid in installments), and will be housed within walking distance of the university with housing provided by the program. In addition, up to $500 in travel costs to Philadelphia may be eligible for reimbursement. Dates: This program runs 10 weeks, May 28 - August 2, 2024.  Application Deadline: February 1, 2024.

CARE Program at St. Lawrence University - If you are looking for a valuable and life changing summer opportunity, please consider being a Community Action, Research, and Education (CARE) fellow.  CARE fellows provide bedside care to terminally ill residents in a comfort care home from early June to late July.  The dates are somewhat flexible.  SLU students have been placed at Hospeace House in Naples, NY but you could really do it at any of the CC homes located across the U.S.  See this link to find out where other CC homes are located:     CARE fellows are eligible to receive research/internship funding through SLU to assist with living expenses and to replace earnings that would otherwise be earned with paid summer employment.  The advising and mentoring is established from a distance by meeting with students via Zoom and communicating over email. Also the advisor Leah Rohlfsen will visit the site several times over the 8 weeks.  Any questions please contact Leah Rohlfsen.

Upstate Medical Center - The State University of New York. Summer undergraduate research fellowship program. For students interested into careers that combine biomedical research into their chosen profession, providing them an understanding of research across disciplines and fields. Dr. Michael Cosgrove is the Director. Each fellow will be provided a $3,500 stipend for the period plus housing. The program runs June 3 - August 9, 2024.  The deadline for the application is February 1, 2024

WPI REU in Chemistry, Summer 2024 - The WPI REU program will be on hiatus for summer 2024. We hope to return in 2025.  Worchester Polytechnic Institute, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry is hosting undergraduate students from around the country at a new NSF-sponsored Research Experience for Undergraduates site. You will participate in projects ranging from membrane biochemistry to bio-inspired materials synthesis all geared toward solving important problems in biology. PROGRAM SUPPORT—Students will receive a stipend of $6,000, a free WPI dormitory room in housing dedicated to participants in various WPI REU sites, and a travel subsidy.  Complete this form to apply for a place in WPI's REU in Chemistry and Biochemistry. 

Summer REU Biophysics Program at the University of Michigan - The REU Program provides eligible undergraduate students with a truly unique, interdisciplinary research experience at the intersection of chemistry, physics, mathematics and the life sciences. The tentative program dates are 10 weeks from June 3 - August 9, 2024.  Housing is provided and each student receives a stipend of $5,000 (students are expected to cover their own meals and incidentals from this stipend). We will also cover travel expenses up to $500.   Applications are due February 23, 2024. 

University of Minnesota Lando REU - is for outstanding national and international undergraduate students. It is designed to encourage students in chemical sciences to learn more about research in chemistry. Summer Internships will receive a $7800.00 stipend. The program dates are June 3 - August 9, 2024. Application Deadline is February 2, 2024

University of Southern California REU – Broad selection of research groups in Alternative Energy, Chemical Physics, Chemical Biology, Drug Discovery, Inorganic, Materials/Polymers, Nanoscience, Organic, Physical and Theoretical. Program includes $5000.00 stipend, housing, student health insurance and travel. The program dates are May 28 - August 3, 2024.  Application Deadline online by February 25, 2024

University of Pittsburgh REU - Develop a new chemical reaction, possibly informed by machine learning techniques, Synthesize novel bioactive molecules and materials, Apply cutting-edge techniques in chemical biology to interrogate chemical events in live cells, Use sophisticated spectroscopic techniques to characterize polymers and biomacromolecules and Model chemical or biological processes using sophisticated computer simulations. Receive a stipend of $6,000 for the 10-week program, free on-campus housing, reimbursements for travel, and a meal allowance of $847. The program dates are May 28 – August 2, 2024. The deadline to apply is February 15, 2024.

Wake Forest School of Medicine - Biomedical Engineering Research -  our summer program will run May 27- August 2, 2024. We offer students the opportunities to pursue research related to Imaging-and Mechanics-based projects on Accidental Cases of Trauma (IMPACT) and other biomedical engineering topics.  Students admitted will receive a 5,500.00 stipend and on campus housing.  Applications are due by January 26, 2024. 

Vanderbilt Institute for Nanoscale Science and Engineering - students will work closely with VINSE faculty on research projects in cutting edge areas of nanoscale science and engineering.  Receive a $7000 stipend, room and board, plus a $500 travel allowance to offset the cost of getting to Nashville. This ten-week program runs from  May 27, 2024 to August 2, 2024 Applications due by February 15, 2024.

West Virginia University – REU’s in Chemistry, Behavioral Science, Robotics, Astrophys
Experience a unique combination of multidisciplinary research, educational programs, community outreach and fun team-building activities. Participants are involved in ongoing research programs in the fields of chemistry and biochemistry with applications to disease detection and treatment and pharmaceutical synthesis. STIPEND: $5,000/summer + room & board. Program runs May 28 – July 26, 2024.  Applications deadline is March 1, 2024.