Awards for Students

To honor Emeritus Professor of Chemistry Clarke L. Gage, who was a member of the faculty from 1957 until his retirement in 1986, the Department of Chemistry gives two awards in his name. Students chosen for the Clarke L. Gage Research award are passionate about research and have been exceptionally engaged and productive in their projects.  Students chosen for the Clarke L. Gage Teaching award are known for effectively helping their peers learn chemistry. They work as teaching assistants, peer workshop leaders, and/or chemistry tutors.

The Northern NY Section of the ACS Outstanding Senior award is given to students who have excelled in their course work, including excellence in their SYE research.

The Northern NY Section of the ACS Outstanding Junior award is given to students who have excelled in their course work, including excellence in research, and plans to pursue a career in biochemistry or chemistry.

ACS Award in Analytical Chemistry recognizes outstanding students who display an aptitude for a career in the field of analytical chemistry and have demonstrated excellence.

ACS Award in Physical Chemistry recognizes excellence in physical chemistry based on research, coursework, and other measures of dedication.

ACS Award in Organic Chemistry recognizes the "top graduating senior student majoring in either chemistry or biochemistry who has demonstrated excellence in organic chemistry based on a combination of research experience, coursework and a desire to pursue a career in chemistry."

The Class of 1934 Scholarship Award -  Awards to juniors in English, History, Economics and Chemistry are based primarily on academic achievement and attitude toward learning with evidence of interest in becoming a broadly well-educated person, as well as excelling in the academic discipline. 

Clarke L. Gage Teaching Award: Brooke Westcom
Clarke L. Gage Research Award: Leah Biwot
Northern New York American Chemical Society Outstanding Senior Award: Emma Rothe
Northern New York American Chemical Society Outstanding Junior Award: Joel Asare
ACS Award in Physical Chemistry: Blake Heston
ACS Award in Analytical Chemistry: Emma Rothe
ACS Award in Organic Chemistry: Melinda Barath and Maddy Ruggieru
The Class of 1934 Scholarship Award: Annika Waskiewicz

Clarke L. Gage Prize Teaching: Talia Zabit
Clarke L. Gage Prize Research:  Annie Knapp
Northern New York American Chemical Society Outstanding Senior Award: Eliza O’Donnell
ACS Award in Physical Chemistry: Annie Knapp
ACS Award in Analytical Chemistry: Emma Rothe
The Class of 1934 Scholarship Award: Emma Rothe

Clarke L. Gage Prize: Teaching  Carter Tracy
Clarke L. Gage Prize:  Research  Aida Gueye
Northern New York American Chemical Society Outstanding Senior Award: Carter Tracy
Northern New York American Chemical Society Outstanding Junior Award: Annie Knapp
The Class of 1934 Scholarship Award: Annie Knapp


Clarke L. Gage Prize: Teaching Rachel Siegel
Clarke L. Gage Prize:  Research: Leo Romanetz
Northern New York American Chemical Society Outstanding Senior Award: Emmanuella Dwomo Agyei
The Class of 1934 Scholarship Award: Aida Gueye

Clarke L. Gage Prize: Teaching: John Hoefler
Clarke L. Gage Prize Research: Heinrich Salzmann
Northern New York American Chemical Society Outstanding Senior Award: Erica R. Sawyer
The Class of 1934 Scholarship Award: Leo Romanetz

Clarke L. Gage Prize: Teaching: Alissa Stone
Research: David Bain
Northern New York American Chemical Society Outstanding Senior Award: Evan Ketcham
The Class of 1934 Scholarship Award:John Hoefler

Clarke L. Gage Prize: Teaching: Anne K. Buck
Research: Kelsey R. Murphy
Northern New York American Chemical Society Outstanding Senior Award: Danielle J. Couture
The Class of 1934 Scholarship Award: David Bain

Clarke L. Gage Prize: Teaching: Kelly A. Burke, Vanessa J. Chilunda
Research: Ellis (EJ) J. Curtis, Jennifer M. Finan
Northern New York American Chemical Society Outstanding Senior Award: Heather M. Raimer
The Class of 1934 Scholarship Award: Danielle Couture

Clarke L. Gage Prize: Teaching:  Heather M. Raimer
Research:  Nicolette G. Celia
Northern New York American Chemical Society Outstanding Senior Award:  Jordan J. Koloski
The Class of 1934 Scholarship Award: Wenyao Zhang

Clarke L. Gage Prize: Teaching:  Emily R. Metzger
Research:  Scott M. Chapp
Northern New York American Chemical Society Outstanding Senior Award:  Marissa D. Boyer
The Class of 1934 Scholarship Award: Jordan Koloski

Clarke L. Gage Prizes: Teaching: Gregory J. McDonald
Research: Rachael M. Kenney
Northern New York American Chemical Society Outstanding Senior Award:  Katherine E. Buxton
The Class of 1934 Scholarship Award: Allison Schloop   

Clarke L. Gage Prizes: Teaching: Zak A. Johnson
Research: Ryan L. Murphy, Louis J. Trzepkowski
Northern New York American Chemical Society Outstanding Senior Award:  Carolyn N. Chakuroff
The Class of 1934 Scholarship Award: Katherine Buxton
Clarke L. Gage Prizes: Teaching: Marc A. Delaney
Research: Kiersten E. LaPorte
Northern New York American Chemical Society Outstanding Senior Award:  Andrew B. Hayes  
The Class of 1934 Scholarship Award: Louis Trzepkowski

Clarke L. Gage Prizes: Teaching: Patrick J. Dodds, Andrea N. Dore    
Research: Megan E. Goodemote
Northern New York American Chemical Society Outstanding Senior Award: Kirk W. Shimkin
The Class of 1934 Scholarship Award: Andrew Hayes  

Clarke L. Gage Prizes: Teaching: Rebecca Klar
Research: Daniel P. DePuccio
Northern New York American Chemical Society Outstanding Senior Award Marcus D. Tuttle
The Class of 1934 Scholarship Award: Patrick Dodds 

Clarke L. Gage Prizes: Teaching: Matthew J. Millard
Research: Michael A. Trembley
Stradling Student Research Award: Kenneth “Brian” Brownell, Jr.
Northern New York American Chemical Society Outstanding Senior Award: Lauren M. Sischo
The Class of 1934 Scholarship Award: Marcus Tuttle

Clarke L. Gage Prizes: Teaching: Fraser C. Mackay
Research: Jennifer L. Achtyl
Stradling Student Research Award: Matthew J. Millard
Northern New York American Chemical Society Outstanding Senior Award: Stephanie R. Walter
The Class of 1934 Scholarship Award: Lauren Sischo

Clarke L. Gage Prize:Teaching: Brian M. Aucter
Research: Michael D. Austen
Stradling Student Research Award: Kacey B. Anderson
The Class of 1934 Scholarship Award: Stephanie Walter

Clarke L. Gage Prize: Teaching: Jon M. French
Stradling Student Research Award: Michael D. Austen
Northern New York American Chemical Society Outstanding Senior Award: Jane W. Mutoru
The Class of 1934 Scholarship Award: Michael Austen

Clarke L. Gage Prizes: Teaching: Rachel K. Putman
Research: Joseph J. Jablonski
Stradling Student Research Award:      Paul A. Kloek
Northern New York American Chemical Society Outstanding Senior Award:  Timothy W. Chapp
The Class of 1934 Scholarship Award: Matthew Maynard

Clarke L. Gage Prizes: Teaching: Timothy W. Chapp
Stradling Student Research Award:  Megan L. Roppolo
Northern New York American Chemical Society Outstanding Senior Award: Jonathan E. DeLorbe
The Class of 1934 Scholarship Award: Joseph Jablonski

Clarke L. Gage Prizes: Teaching: Alexis D. Kostun
Stradling Student Research Award: Matthew J. Benard
The Class of 1934 Scholarship Award: Matthew Benard

Clarke L. Gage Prizes: Teaching: Timothy M. Errington
Research: Neema P. Douglas
Stradling Student Research Award:  Winter M. Guffey
The Class of 1934 Scholarship Award: Jennifer Zagursky

Clarke L. Gage Prizes: Teaching: Page M. Wages
Stradling Student Research Award: Nathan G. Armatas
The Class of 1934 Scholarship Award: Timothy Errington

Clarke L. Gage Prizes: Teaching: Sara A. Constantine
Research: Tara A. Kenny
Stradling Student Research Award: Erik W. Storm
The Class of 1934 Scholarship Award: Erik Storm