Pre-Health + Chemistry Major

The information below shows a sample schedule that includes the courses required for most pre-health programs (details about specific programs should be discussed with a faculty member) and to fulfill a chemistry major. Students are encouraged to study abroad, pursue minors and generally explore the curriculum, so this sample is only a starting point.

First Year – Fall
FYP (1.25 credits)
BIOL 101, General Biology I (1.25 credits)
CHEM 103, General Chemistry I (1.25 credits)
MATH 135, Calculus I (1.0 credit)

First Year – Spring
FYS (1.25 credits)
BIOL 102, General Biology II (1.25 credits)
CHEM 104, General Chemistry II (1.25 credits)
MATH 136, Calculus II (1.0 credit)

Sophomore Year - Fall
CHEM 221 or CHEM 223, Organic Chemistry I (1.25 credits)
PHYS 102 or 151 Physics I (1.25 credits)

Sophomore Year – Spring
CHEM 222 or CHEM 224, Organic Chemistry II (1.25 credits)
PHYS 013 or 152 Physics II (1.25 credits)
CHEM 205 Quantitative Analysis (1.25 credits)

Junior Year – Fall
CHEM 341, Quantum Chemistry  (1.0 credit)
Advanced Lab (6 options*) 0.5 credit
BIOL 304 Health Coaches I (rec) 0.5 credit
BIOL 235 Foundations of Medicine (rec) 0.5 credit

Junior Year – Spring
Advanced Chemistry (3 options**) 1.0 credit
Advanced Lab (6 options*) 0.5 credit
BIOL 305 Health Coaches II (rec) 0.5 credit
BIOL 311 Foundations of Medicine I (rec) 0.5 credit

Senior Year – Fall
SYE/Internship/Experiential Learning (0.5 credit)

Senior Year – Spring
SYE/Internship/Experiential Learning (0.5 credit)

* Physical Chemistry Lab (353), Advanced Organic Chemistry (354), Biochemistry research methods (394), Instrumental Analysis (452), Environmental Chemistry (306), Inorganic Chemistry Lab (451)

**Inorganic Chemistry (CHEM 303), Thermodynamics and Kinetics (CHEM 342), Environmental Chemistry (CHEM 306)

Please Note: There are other courses that may be required by some pre-health programs, for example:

Statistics, writing intensive English, Sociology, and Psychology. Many pre-health students take anatomy and physiology. We encourage students to view medicine from perspectives outside of the natural sciences. The most important part of navigating pre-health is to speak with faculty members each semester as you explore your interests. 

Courses in Health Across the Curriculum - We Encourage

AFS 3045 Zombies, Epidemics & Illnesses in Francophone World
AFS 4015/HIST 4017 Health and Healing in Africa
ANTH 3072 Medicines and Meanings
ANTH 4020 Anthropology of the Body
BIOL/GS/REL 412 Cross Cultural Healing
FRPG 2151 Neuroscience of Stress
GNDR 4020 Dis/Ability, Gender and Health
GS 268 Global Health and Justice
HIST 3047 Medicine and Empire
PCA 343 Taboo Performances
PCA 370 Against Health: Rhetoric & the Health Humanities
PH 216: Introduction to Public Health
PH 4001: Social Determinants of Health
PHIL 354 Biomedical Ethics
PSYC 256 Health Psychology
SOC 225 Women’s Health & Aging
SOC 246 Aging and Society w/CBL
SOC 275 Medical Sociology
SOC 308 Death and Dying