Student Jobs

Interested in being a TA, Peer Leader, or Stockroom Assistant?

The St. Lawrence Chemistry Department hires between 15-20 students per year to be undergraduate teaching assistants, peer workshop coordinators, and chemical stockroom assistants.  These are paid positions where first year and upper class students work in the department directly with faculty and staff.  Descriptions of the jobs and how to apply are included in the application document

Applications are now being accepted for the Fall 2023/Spring 2024 school year.  Questions for General Chemistry TA's can be directed to Dr. Jennifer Schmeisser.  Questions for Organic Chemistry TA's can be directed to Mr. Stacy Vassar. Peer Leader questions can be directed to Dr. Jennifer Schmeisser.  Questions for Stockroom Assistants can be directed to Suna Stone. Review of applications will begin after registration.

CLICK HERE to download the application.