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  • Department News
  1. Sociology Honor Society Welcomes New Members

    On Friday, April 28, St. Lawrence University's Alpha Kappa Delta honor society inducted seventeen new lifetime members.

  2. Cora Ferguson

    Physics Presentations at the 2023 Festival of Science, Scholarship and Creativity

    Students discussed the results of their research projects

  3. Inductees 2023

    Students Inducted into Physics Honorary Society

    Students inducted into Sigma Pi Sigma

  4. animal walking through snow at night that trail camera captured

    Dr. Erika Barthelmess presents at the 2023 Northeast Natural History Conference in Burlington, VT

    Dr. Erika Barthelmess attended the 2023 Northeast Natural History Conference in Burlington, VT where she presented the talk “The Devil is in the Details: Managing Data in Camera Trapping Studies”.

  5. two female students and two female faculty standing next to SLU Van on fairy

    Students and Faculty Participate in Northeast Natural History Conference

    Students Jordan Kulbe ’25, Kelsey Simler ’25, Evelyn Albrecht ’25, Julia Sirois ’23, Thia Moore ’23 and Rayna Bidwell ’24 along with faculty Erika Barthelmess and Kris Hoffmann from the Biology Department and Sara Ashpole from the Environmental Studies Department traveled to Burlington, Vermont to attend and present at the Northeast Natural History Conference.

  6. ceramic sculptures

    Gallery Reception for Artists: Micro-Worlds and Footprints of Light

    There will be a gallery reception for the artists presenting work in Micro-Worlds: The Nature of Living, the Art & Art History Senior Seminar Exhibition and Footprints of Light: Photographs by Nikita...

  7. Dr. Eissenstat Talks about Turkey's Economy and the Coming Elections With France 24

    “The daily lives of Turkish citizens are being squeezed in very fundamental ways,” Eissenstat said. “People who think of themselves as middle-class are having tremendous difficulty maintaining a basic...

  8. Spring 2023 New Members Pi Mu Epsilon

    Mathematics Honorary Society-New Members Spring 2023

    Pi Mu Epsilon is a non-secret organization whose purpose is the promotion of scholarly activity in mathematics among students in academic institutions and among the staffs of qualified non-academic institutions.


    Canadian Studies Spring 2023 Ottawa Field Trip

    Ceyda Onaran Kartal

    Canadian Studies Students visited Ottawa and attended a live debate between the government and the opposition

  10. 30th SGE induction, new members  Marika Stauring ’24, Evelyn Bibbins ’24, Molly Doyle ’25 and Indie Talbot ’24

    30th SGE Induction

    The Geology Department’s Eta Xi Chapter of the Earth Science’s Honorary Society, Sigma Gamma Epsilon, completed its 30th induction on April 19.