Chemistry Major

A major in chemistry provides basic preparation for medical or dental school and secondary school teaching. It also provides greater flexibility for those who wish to participate in study abroad programs. Students are required to complete 

  • General Chemistry (CHEM 103 &104)
  • Quantitative Analysis (CHEM 205)
  • Organic Chemistry (CHEM 221 or 223 & 222 or 224)
  • Quantum Chemistry (CHEM 341)
  • Senior project (CHEM 489 and 490).
  • 2 courses selected from: Inorganic Chemistry (CHEM 303), Biochemistry (309), Thermodynamics and Kinetics (CHEM 342), Environmental Chemistry (CHEM 306)
  • 2 advanced laboratory courses selected from: Physical Chemistry Lab (353), Advanced Organic Chemistry I and II (351, 354), Biochemistry research methods (394), Instrumental Analysis (452), Environmental Chemistry (306), Inorganic Chemistry Lab (451)

Unless special permission is obtained in advance, two .5-unit SYE courses are required over two semesters. In rare cases, permission may be obtained to complete 1.0 unit in a single semester.

Two semester  of calculus (Math 135, 136) and physics (either 103,104 or 151, 152) are also required. We recommend completing the math requirements in the first year and physics during the second.

Note that to fulfill prerequisites for moving from Chemistry 103 to 104 a grade of 1.75 is required. To advance from Chemistry 104 to 221 and 205, from 221 to 222 and from 222 to 309 requires a grade of 2.0 or higher.

Sample Chemistry Major Course Schedule