Chemistry Minor Requirements

A minor in chemistry entails completion of CHEM 103-104, CHEM 221 or CHEM 223, two additional electives at the 200 level or above, and one additional elective at the 300 level or above. A 0.5 credit advanced lab or a SYE mentored by a chemistry professor, following all chemistry SYE guidelines, may serve as 300 level or above elective.

Gen Chem 103 offered Fall semesters (1.25 units)
Gen Chem 104 offered Spring semesters (1.25 units)


Gen Chem 103 & Gen Chem 104 are courses that are an introduction to chemistry for science and non-science majors. Both courses use in-class experimentation, discussion, and lecture to ask and answer questions of general chemical interest, including applications in biology, physics, astronomy and geology. Students discuss experimental data using the logic and language of chemistry and are frequently asked to substantiate conclusions using both conceptual and quantitative reasoning. Topics include water and its unique properties, atomic structure and properties, molecular structure, types of chemical bonding and reactions, redox systems and electrochemistry, reaction equilibria, thermodynamics and kinetics. Three class periods plus one laboratory period per week; students may also participate in optional weekly peer-led team learning workshops. Prerequisites: secondary school algebra or enrollment in a college mathematics course. A grade of 1.75 or higher in 103 is required to fulfill the prerequisite for enrollment in 104. A grade of 2.0 or higher in 104 is required to fulfill the prerequisite for enrollment in 200-level courses. Required for the neuroscience major.


Chem 221 Organic Chemistry offered Fall semesters (1.25 units)

An introductory course focusing on the chemistry of naturally occurring and synthetic carbon compounds; description and determination of structure with an emphasis on spectroscopic methods; reactivity and its theoretical basis; mechanism; and synthesis of organic compounds. The microscale laboratory emphasizes preparation, purification and identification of organic compounds, isolation of organic substances, mechanistic studies and separation techniques. Spectroscopic methods are applied to structure elucidation. Prerequisites: CHEM 104 with a grade of 2.0 or higher. Acceptance into 222 requires a grade of 2.0 or higher in 221. CHEM 221 is required for the neuroscience major

Senior year experience (SYE, 0.5 credits) is a capstone course, providing students with the opportunity to discover science and apply learned concepts to a mentored research project. The SYE is a culminating experience for all departmental seniors. The student works on the project throughout the year, and at the end of the year, submits a formal report, and presents the work at a departmental seminar or perhaps at the Festival of Science. The Festival of Science is a time when students (not necessary seniors) from all the sciences get together and present their research to the entire community. It is patterned along the lines of a national or regional scientific meeting with formal presentations, including the subsequent question periods, and poster presentations for students not giving oral presentations.