Advisor Guide: FAQs

Are clubs and organizations at St. Lawrence required to have an advisor?
No, clubs and organizations are not required to have an advisor; however we do highly encourage students to utilize the skills and knowledge that our faculty and staff possess.

What is a student club or organization looking for in an advisor?
This varies depending on the student group. When considering taking on the role of advisor, it’s a good idea to speak with the student leaders about what they’re looking for. Some groups want a hands-on advisor who will attend all club meetings and be available via email or phone for frequent check-ins and questions, while others prefer a more hands-off advisor whom they can call on as needed for assistance. Having an upfront and honest conversation about expectations is in the best interest of both parties and helps ensure that student leaders and advisors are on the same page regarding the students’ needs and the nature of the student/advisor relationship.

What is the time commitment?
When do clubs and organizations typically meet? Because expectations vary widely, the required time commitment also varies. It’s important to note that the time commitment for club sports advisors may be greater, as these groups tend to have daily practices in addition to weekly competitions. The majority of our clubs and organizations meet during weekday evenings, while some may meet on Sundays. As noted above, some groups (particularly club sports) may meet more frequently. If you’d like to advise a student group but aren’t sure if you can attend evening or weekend meetings every week, a good compromise may be to meet with the president and/or other key leaders individually on a weekly basis and attend the large-group meetings on an as-needed basis (such as for voting on important matters, large-scale discussions, or event planning meetings). Talk to the student leaders in the organization and see if you can find an arrangement that meets their needs.

What are some university policies and procedures that I should be aware of as a club or organization advisor?
A list of policies and procedures pertaining to student clubs and organizations may be found here:

Where can I find additional resources?
See our ‘Suggestions & Guidelines for Club & Organization Advisors’ page, or contact the office of Student Activities & Leadership by calling x5135 or emailing Ashlee Downing-Duke Senior Associate Director, at