Policies and Procedures
A Resource Guide for Student Clubs and Organizations
Below is a list of University policies and procedures that are important for student clubs and organizations to be aware of as they often impact the planning of events and activities on campus. This is not a comprehensive list of all policies on campus and we suggest taking a look at the Student Handbook for additional information. If you have questions regarding a procedure or policy not included on this page, please contact the Office of Student Activities and Leadership at x5757 for more information.
Campus Mailings
Catering Policy & Food at Events
Check Requests and W-9 forms
Contracts (securing off-campus speakers and entertainment options)
Copy Cards
CWA Machines (provided by Thelomathesian Society)
Electronic Communication
Keys (for Student Clubs and Organizations)
Student Center Offices (for Student Organizations)
Paper (for banners, copies etc)
Posting Policy (Student Center)
Purchasing Cards (for Student Clubs and Organizations)
Registration, Student Club and Organization
Reserving Facilities
- How to Reserve a Room
- Responsibilities of a Student Organization using Campus Facilities (includes some helpful hints along with a list of prohibited decorations in the Sullivan Student Center)
Reserving a Table (in the Student Center Atrium)
Starting a new Club or Organization
Student Center Storage Room (SC #114) for Student Organizations
Student Mail Center (SMC)
Vehicle Policy and Usage