How to Join Fraternity & Sorority Life

How to join

Thank you for considering joining Fraternity & Sorority Life! All 6 organizations host a primary recruitment cycle annually during the Fall semester. Some chapters may choose to also host a recruitment period in the Spring semester that is dependant on Chapter Size. All students at sophomore status may be eligible to participate in recruitment. To attend any and all recruitment events (for both fraternities and sororities), you must meet the following: 

  1. Attend Greek 101
    • Greek 101 is an informational session that starts the recruitment cycle where students interested in the recruitment process will learn about each chapter, membership obligations, recruitment events, and how to register for recruitment. 
    • All information regarding recruitment will be shared during Greek 101.
  2. Minimum GPA of 2.5
  3. Sophomore class standing (defined as having completed a full year at St. Lawrence and having 9 course credits or more) or, if a transfer student, must have completed at least one full semester on campus 
  4. Judicial & Safety Check- you must be in good judicial standing, defined as:You may not be on Disciplinary Probation
    • You may not be on Disciplinary Probation
    • If you have a judicial history, you must be violation-free for one full semester before being considered
    • All assigned judicial sanctions must be completed prior to recruitment
    • Severity of violations and the number of violations will be taken into account during judicial check; students deemed to have committed a serious violation or several smaller violations may not be eligible to participate in recruitment 
    • All decisions regarding a pass/fail of the judicial & safety check go through the Dean's office and are final

Petition Process

If you do not meet the requirements outlined above, you may petition to participate in recruitment under the following circumstances only:

  • You have a 2.45 GPA or higher (with sophomore class standing and 9 credits or greater)
  • You have at least 8 credits (with sophomore class standing), and your GPA is a 2.5 or greater

All petitions are submitted through an involve form for review. All petitions are due the Friday following Greek 101.  

Form to Petition to Participate in Recruitment :

Note that a petition is not a guarantee that you will be able to go through recruitment. Rather, we will review your case and make a decision regarding whether or not you will be able to participate. We will not consider petitions in advance and only review cases immediately preceding recruitment periods to ensure we have the most accurate and up-to-date information when considering your case. We will not consider petitions for students who have fewer than 8 credits or a GPA below 2.45.


For questions about academic eligibility, contact Fraternity & Sorority Life Advisor, Riley Sullivan at 

For questions about judicial eligibility, contact Jodi Canfield at