Outcomes Executive Summary

* Summary for Class of 2023 to come soon

Executive Summary for the Class of 2022

The Center for Career Excellence empowers students and young alumni to articulate the value of their St. Lawrence education to navigate success in a diverse world through meaningful experiences and connections.

The following report outlines the results of the Follow-Up Survey for the Class of 2022. This report is a summary of the employment and continuing education activities the members of the Class of 2022 were engaged in seven to ten months post-graduation. The survey is an important component of the Center for Career Excellence’s ongoing efforts to better understand our graduate outcomes, as well as the employers and graduate programs with whom we should continue to build relationships. The report is shared with the St. Lawrence community to assist with advising students and accomplishing work objectives.

To summarize, 378 of the 510 graduates reported their career status for a response rate of 74.1%, an increase of more than 5% when compared to the Class of 2021. Respondents completed the survey online, and extensive outreach was conducted through email, social media, and personal messaging through email, LinkedIn, and text messaging. The Center for Career Excellence also collaborated with coaches and faculty to seek their assistance in contacting non-respondents to encourage survey completion. Data was collected between December 1, 2022 and February 28, 2023.

We are pleased to report that the St. Lawrence Class of 2022 achieved an overall outcomes rate of 94.7%, with 78.0% of respondents’ primary activity being employed, 16.7% continuing their education and 5.3% being in transition and either pursuing employment or continued education. The Class of 2022 saw a slight downward trend in employment (from 80.4%) and a slight uptick in the pursuit of continued education (up from 15.5%) when compared to the Class of 2021.

Students in the Class of 2022 reported fewer internship opportunities than pre-pandemic Laurentians, though their experience was similar to the Class of 2021, with 58.3% of respondents participating in an internship during their time at St. Lawrence. However, 92.6% of respondents reported having at least one experiential work/learning opportunity, with 44.4% reporting a professional job (either on or off campus), 44.1% reporting a research experience, 31.1% participating in community-based learning, and while off-campus study opportunities were limited for this class due to the COVID-19 pandemic, 19.1% participated in off-campus study/study abroad programs.

While internship numbers were down for the Class of 2022, it was still an important factor in securing employment. Thirty-four percent of those employed full-time said that an internship or previous employment experience was influential in securing their current position. LinkedIn (32.4%), St. Lawrence faculty and staff (26.1%), graduates’ personal extended network (25.2%) and St. Lawrence’s highly-ranked alumni network (24.8%) were also key factors in respondents’ success in finding employment.

Finance is the top career field in which respondents are employed, with health services and health care second, K-12 education third, business services fourth, and sports and recreation fifth. The top job functions include sales/account management, financial services/accounting/banking, education/teaching/coaching, research/analysis/laboratory and field science, and administrative management/support.

The top-five continued education programs for new graduates enrolled either full-time or part-time in graduate or professional school include education, science and technology, social sciences, nursing/physician’s assistant/nurse practitioner and law.

The following pages contain more detailed information on the top 10 career industries and job functions, sources of employment, salary information, a list of jobs and internships obtained by the class, and a breakdown of graduate and professional school programs members of the class are attending.


Geoff Falen
Director of Experiential Learning & Employer Engagement

*This study includes only self-reported data collected through the follow-up first destination survey itself; NACE standards allow for schools to collect data from various legitimate sources, not only student survey responses but also employer-, parent-, or faculty-provided information, LinkedIn profiles, other online sources, and fellow graduates to arrive at an overall “knowledge rate.”

See the Full Report.

See the 5 year academic division and department Outcome Profile summaries.