

The Follow Up Survey summarizes the career fields and graduate schools in which members of the recent graduating class were engaged 7-10 months post graduation.


This survey of incoming first-year students covers a wide range of student characteristics including sociodemographic information, activities engaged in during the last year of high school, future educational and career plans, values, attitudes, beliefs and self-concepts.

The College Success Questionnaire provides early feedback on students' satisfaction with various aspects of their college experiences and helps to better understand transition issues from high school to college. It also includes rotating topics for the assessment of student learning outcomes.

This survey, administered in the spring semester to first-year students and seniors, explores how students spend their time and what they gain from their college experience. Results are summarized into "engagement indicators" and "high impact practices".

The survey designed to assess undergraduate students’ experiences, dispositions and proficiencies in conducting college-level academic research. The survey includes several embedded performance tasks and thus provides direct measures of students research knowledge.

The Residence Life Quality of Life Survey helps the University assess to what extent we are accomplishing our residential learning goals and how we might be able to improve upon the quality of the residential experience of our undergraduate students.

Purpose of the exit survey is to evaluate students' undergraduate experience and learning and to collect information on future careers, graduate school attendance and aspirations.


The HEDS Campus Climate Survey for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion assesses the campus climate regarding diversity and informs the University's strategic action plan for DEI. For more information, visit the Diversity and Inclusion website here.


This survey asks about perceived institutional priorities, faculty satisfaction, faculty goals for students, faculty workload, teaching practices and professional activities. The survey is offered only every 3 years through HERI.